Going on a trek? Here are our tips.

Going on a trek? Here are our tips.

Our tips for before, after and during a trek!

Whether you’re an experienced or first-time trekker or hiker, you’re always on the lookout for good tips, right?
We're sharing our tips with you in this article.

How to train for a trek

↪️ Training

Training and exercising your body and mind: here are our tips on how to best prepare for your trek.

Whether you do regular exercise or not, trekking for several days is an unusual strain on your body, especially if, like me, you sit down a lot at work. Therefore, make sure you train so that you aren’t suffering during your trek and so you can make the most of this exceptional experience. This will also help you avoid injury, pain and unpleasant physical fatigue.

On this subject, in our article What physical preparation do I need to do for a trek?, sports coach and trekker Elisabeth Moreau recommends that you start training several months before you set off, and that you of course make sure your training programme is appropriate for your physical and sporting condition.

Ideally, you should combine endurance and muscle-strengthening activities, with around three 30-minute to 1.5-hour sessions a week.

And don't forget to get your body used to supporting the weight of your backpack...

A final word of advice about preparation: also give your mind a workout! Train hard, of course, but above all, set yourself achievable goals that are tailored to you, leaving room for contingency plans too.

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Getting your backpack: how to travel light

↪️ Your backpack: the last thing you need to get.

Let’s face it, we aren’t all able to judge the size of something just by looking at it. So to avoid buying a backpack that is too small, wait until you have everything you need to fill it before getting it. By doing this, you’ll avoid a situation in which you’re unable to close your backpack a few days before you’re supposed to set off...

Checklist of essential equipment for a mountain trek
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Then, to get an idea of which size backpack you’ll need, you can do a test with a bin bag, for example. Generally speaking, you'll need a backpack with a volume of between 30 and 50 litres, depending on your trek and your comfort requirements.

Are you ready to get your backpack now? You don't necessarily need to buy a new one For example, you could ask around: someone who you’d least expect could well be a trekker and they might have a backpack you can borrow. Alternatively, you could consider buying second-hand.

👉 Trade-in, swap, hire: new, more sustainable sports trends

↪️ Before you set off:
check and examine your equipment!

Are you well prepared? You’ve got your backpack and everything fits inside perfectly? Fantastic!

To avoid any unpleasant surprises once you're there, you should practice packing and unpacking your bag... You should also practice putting up and taking down your tent, folding your sleeping bag, etc. Doing all this will prepare you, and you should also try to anticipate the various constraints that you may face depending on the weather: rain, wind...Be prepared for all eventualities!

↪️ Think waterproof!

To make sure you don't get soaked from head to toe on your trek, make sure you have everything you need to keep your belongings dry in your backpack, with waterproof bags and pouches for example. Make sure you test them before you set off.

↪️ Think repairs!

Prepare a small bag with the bare essentials in case you need to repair anything during your trek: sticky tape, thread, needles, cords, patches, safety pins...

Then get practising! Well, it's true that you’d need a bit more than just a needle and thread or a patch to repair a hole in your clothes or mattress...

Hiking and trekking: equipment, maintenance and repairs

Going on a trek? Here are our tips.

What food to bring with you

↪️  The best foods and meals to give you lots of energy

When you walk, your body needs energy. So, to make sure your body gets everything it needs, eat plenty of cereals and pulses: they’re your fuel.
For practicality, you can also use freeze-dried dishes. It all depends on the equipment you have with you: stove, cooking pot, etc.
Don't forget to look out for any refuges, villages or other places you pass through on your route, where you can stock up on food and water if you don't want to take too much with you.

↪️ Eat as much as you want!

On your trek (and in everyday life, for that matter), try to be in tune with your body’s hunger and fullness signals. It's important that you eat enough food to keep you physically fit, but you should also be careful not to overeat, as you risk losing all your energy as your body digests all of the food and you might even experience digestive discomfort.

👉 Feelings of hunger: how to recognise them

↪️ Feeling a bit peckish?

During your breaks or while walking, eat a snack to give you a boost of energy. What sort of snacks should you bring? Oilseeds and oleaginous fruits, a piece of chocolate, cereal bars, fresh and dried fruit, etc.

↪️ Drink up!
Drink before you get thirsty because otherwise it’ll be too late! This goes hand in hand with a good diet, so don’t forget to drink!

👉 The power of staying hydrated

Going on a trek? Here are our tips.

Already started your trek?

Your bag is packed and your stomach is full, but you're still looking for a few tips on how to make the most of your trek?

↪️ Take a break every once in a while!

Breaks are essential for your well-being and fitness, and they will also enable you to really take in and enjoy your surroundings. It's not a race, so take the time to breathe in the fresh air and marvel at the scenery.

Health and small injuries

Trekking is always hard on the body. Here are a few tips to help you avoid hurting yourself!

👉 Health and well-being when hiking and trekking

↪️ Stretch!

This will help you recover more quickly and avoid cramp.

👉 Why and how to stretch

↪️ Pamper your feet!

Moisturise them and massage them at night and in the morning before putting on your trusty hiking shoes. A massage helps to reduce aches and cramps!

If you're prone to blisters, check out our article on how to avoid blisters while trekking.

↪️ Sleep!

The benefits of sleep cannot be overestimated, especially when you're embarking on a sporting adventure like trekking. What are the recommendations for sleep? Treat yourself to at least seven hours of sleep per night.

👉 Sleep: Essential for physical activity

↪ What if I’m on my period?

Coming on your period while you're trekking can be a bit of a pain... We give you our advice on how to cope with this in our article Coming on your period while trekking.

Going on a trek? Here are our tips.


Depending on where you're trekking, you could be faced with a number of weather problems, such as rain, cold temperatures, etc. Here are our top tips.

👉 Five tips for keeping warm while hiking
Trekking and hiking: the three-layer technique
How to hike in the rain

↪️ And also... Dry your shoes!

Are your shoes and socks soaking wet at the end of the day? Don't panic! Slip an old newspaper (which you will have packed in your backpack beforehand) inside your shoes and leave it there overnight. Ideally, you’ll have dry and warm weather overnight, and so by the morning the paper should have absorbed all the moisture inside your shoes, and you'll be able to start a new day of hiking with dry feet!

Here are some tips on how you can improve your trekking or hiking experience. Now all you have to do is make the most of this sporting adventure. Happy hiking!

Going on a trek? Here are our tips.


Journalist & sports writer

A runner at heart, I'm always up for trying out new sports with you !
My objective? To pass on my tips and my passion for sport through my content.

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