We begin a long descent on a tarred road.It’s time to finally have a picnic break.That’s when Floor expresses her fatigue, as much physical as mental.Doubt sets in about our ability to see our goal through.
I (Jean) give her some space to recentre herself, and prepare a wrap for her, so she can regain her strength.Ultimately, this pass is a turning point:it reinforces our bond and brings us even closer together.
"We could have found this a negative experience. But it was actually a beautiful one, as I felt Jean’s full support." - Floor
With this challenge overcome, we restart the hike at a gentler pace.We tackle the Grand Col Ferret climb (2,536 m). A moment that would remain etched in our memories.From the view over the glaciers to the clouds swirling over the mountains, and the autumnal colours, the setting for this climb is nothing short of spectacular.
Crossing this pass, we enter the third country of our Tour du Mont Blanc:Switzerland.
100 km in from our departure from the Simond Factory, we arrive at La Fouly, our camping spot for the night.
“The idea of luxury changes completely on a trek. Luxury for me is shifting from an uncomfortable state to a comfortable one. That night, it’s just a wooden bench and a table.” - Jean
At the camp site, we spend the evening getting to know a German hiker, providing the opportunity to have the type of discussion one can only have on a trek.
"I love meeting other hikers. When you arrive at a camp site, you already have a connection, some natural common ground." - Floor