REF: 8797190, 8798308, 8798309, 8798310, 8798311



Read these instructions carefully before use.
Caving, canyoning, ropework and work at height, rescue or safety practices are dangerous activities. The following advice does not eliminate all the risks associated with these activities. The manufacturer declines all responsibility in case of abuse and/or misuse of the equipment. The user is responsible for the actions and decisions they make in the field. For the safety of the user, the dealer must provide this manual in the language of the country of use of the product.

Instructions for use

- This product is a static rope intended for caving, canyoning, ropework or work at height, rescue or safety operations. Its use must allow the movement, progress or descent of a person in accordance with the conditions set out below.
- If the user is practising free climbing, he/she must use a dynamic rope that complies with standard EN 892. Static ropes should never be used if the user could find him/herself in a position where they could suffer a fall above factor 1. For optimum safety, a reliable anchor point above the user is required, as well as avoiding ropes becoming improperly tensioned between the user and the anchor point.
- The user, in a normal situation or in an emergency, must be in perfect medical condition, physically and mentally, in order to use this static rope safely.
- This product must be used by trained and/or competent people or the user must be supervised by a trained and/or competent person.
- In order to prepare for any eventuality, before using this rope, a rescue plan must be drawn up and implemented if necessary. This product must in no case be modified or added to any other product without the prior agreement of the manufacturer, and any repair must be in accordance with the manufacturer’s operating instructions.
- This rope is designed to withstand the static forces involved in activities where there is a risk of falling from a height.
- The equipment must not be used beyond its limits or in any situation other than those mentioned above.
- The rope is personal equipment. It may suffer unseen damage in your absence. For better surveillance, when the rope is
used by a group, we recommend that you appoint a user or responsible person for each product.
- Thin ropes may require a specific belay device.
The overlap of two ropes in the same carabiner or link can cause the rope(s) to break. Descending too quickly and top-roping are to be avoided, as they cause premature wear and can burn the rope. The maximum permis- sible operating temperature is 80°C for a short time. Before abseiling or top-roping, check the length of the rope. As an extra precaution, tie a knot at the end of the rope.
- Before and after each outing, carry out a visual and physical inspection of the rope to check its general condition. If in doubt, return the rope to the manufacturer.
- The user should consider the rope to be defective if there are traces of burns to the sheath, if the rope is nicked, if its diameter is irregular, if there are localised abrasions or traces of internal wear, noticeable lengthening compared to the original length or if it shows any other signs of deterioration.Visual and manual inspection is therefore required before each use. Take all the necessary safety precautions.
- If there is any doubt about the safety of the equipment or if it has already been used to stop a fall and should not be used until a competent person has authorised its reuse in writing, the rope must be taken out of use.
-The minimum resistance of the anchoring device or chosen structure must be at least 15kN.
- Use a carabiner or quick link for abseiling and top-roping. The relay must consist of at least two independent anchor points. The various belaying components (harnesses, carabiners, straps, descenders, anchor points) must be chosen in accordance with European and/or EC-approved standards and be used with full knowledge of their limits of use in progression and in safety systems. They must also be adapted to the diameter of the rope.
- Beware of the danger of using multiple items for which the safety feature of one item is affected by the safety feature of another item interfering with it.
- The figure-eight knot is recommended for roping in.Make a really tight figure-eight knot. The minimum length of rope that must pass beyond the knot is 10 cm.On a fall arrest harness, use the tie-in points specified by the manufacturer.
- To minimise the risk of falling and the height of any fall: under no circumstances must the anchor point from the rope to the relay be positioned below the user, so as not to exceed Fall Factor 1.
- The fall arrest harness (compliant with EN361) is the only device for holding the body allowed in a fall arrest system (as per EN 363).
- Before and after use, the possible height of falls must be anticipated. The user must position him/herself in relation to his/her relay so as never to be above it. Always check the free space below the user (according to the instructions in each manual for the associated equipment) to avoid any collision
with an obstacle.
- The rope must not come into contact with corrosive and ag- gressive materials or chemical agents (acids, oils, petrol) which can destroy the fibers without being visible.
- During transport, a rope bag that protects the rope from dirt and reduces the risk of fraying is highly recommended.

Marking meanings

The rope carries at its extremities marking in the form of a self-adhesive label indicating the rope reference, its type A or B, its diameter (note: A 10 means type A diameter 10 mm).
Type A: Rope for use in caving, rescue or as a safety line in work at height. In the latter case, the rope is used to access and leave the work area, in combination with other equipment, or to carry out live work or work suspended from the rope.
Type B: rope with a lower performance level than type A ropes. During use, greater attention should be paid to protecting against the effects of abrasion, cuts and normal wear and tear, and to reducing the possibility of falling.
MM:YYY: Year/month of manufacture, used as a traceability number.
ID XXXXXXX: Product identification number
EN 1891:1998: technical reference and year of issue.
UIAA: compliance with the Union International des Associations d’Alpinisme (International Union of Mountaineering Associations)
0333: Notified body module D:  AFNOR Certification – 11 rue F. de Pressensé – 93571 La Plaine St Denis Cedex – France
XXXX: Notified body module D -
XXm: length in mA 10.5: Type A rope with a diameter of 10.5mm
Each length of rope cut must be marked with these details.


    Name of the trademark


     equipment compliant with the provisions of EU Regulation 2016/425 concerning personal protective equipment.


    Equipment compliant with UKCA Personal Protective Equipment requirements.


Refer to the user manual


- The lifespan of a piece of PPE depends on the frequency and mode of use. A rope in use undergoes stresses, tensions, impacts, and numerous mechanical stresses that put it to the test. Friction, abrasion, UV and moisture lead to ageing and inevitable wear. This stands, despite the technological advances we have made for our products over recent years. A rope can suffer irreparable damage from its first use, requiring immediate disposal. Be cautious and vigilant.
- The lifespan of a Simond item of PPE is limited to 15 years, including a storage period and a period of use.
- Possible storage period, in good conditions before 1st use: 5 years
- Maximum duration of use: 10 years

Care and storage

- The rope should be washed in clean, cold water. Any other cleaning technique is prohibited. The rope must always be dried in the shade away from any heat source. It should be stored in the shade, away from moisture, frost, UV and away from heat sources that may degrade the properties of the rope. 
PLEASE NOTE: If the rope is wet, it should be allowed to dry in the shade, away from moisture, frost, UV and any heat source.

Regular checks

- In order to guarantee the safety of the user which depends on maintaining the efficiency and strength of the equipment, regular examinations are necessary for the continued safe use of the product. Periodic examinations must take place every 12 months at the minimum. These examinations must be carried out by qualified personnel in accordance with the operating standards of the manufacturer. The legibility of the product’s markings must be checked. You must keep an identification form which allows you to record the following information: Equipment type, manufacturer, dates of manufacture, purchase and first use, log of regular checks and repairs.


Any possible repairs must be carried out by competent persons authorised by the manufacturer and in accordance with the manufacturer’s operating procedures.

The EU declaration of compliance for your product can be found on the web page of the relevant rope on the website: Unavailable translation

Notified organisation (No. 0082) that has completed the standard EU certification. Apave SUDEUROPE SAS - CS60193 – 13322 Marseille Cedex 16 – France.


Value Table